Saturday, May 17, 2008

La Verité, c'est quoi?

The relativity and subjectivity of truth is definitely not a new concept; since the downfall of the grand-narratives and humanist thought, truth and reason seem to remain hidden (caché) in the sea of subjectivity giving way to a multiplicity of interpretations. Yet, in film or theatre there are many who get irritated by the lack of narratives which offer a resolution and thus, satisfaction to the reader/spectator. In case I have not mentioned this before, I am particularly intrigued by well-crafted unresolved stories that express their own aesthetic point of view and refuse to abide by the logic of singurality of truth, simply because there is never one truth but many. This is one of the main reasons why I enjoy Haneke's films so much.
Caché, Code Inconnu, The Pianist all explore the maladies of the human psyche and the position of the individual in their social milieu. They open up different interpretations that allow the reader to choose what to believe instead of prescribing the story's outcome or morale like most mainstream (American) cinema does. The last scene in Caché or the narrative in Code Inconnu encapsulate this point and make a case for multiple verités, celles du spectateur.

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